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Oil Removal Solutions Blog

What Happens to the Environment (and Your Business) When You Don't Properly Dispose Oil

Posted by Jim Petrucci on Nov 14, 2018 1:46:54 PM


Now, more than ever, we are aware of the environmental consequences of our actions. Both individuals and organizations are dedicated to adhering to ecological rules and regulations designed to mitigate environmental damage.

One of the many problems that environmentalists face is waste oil recycling and disposal.

According to the EPA, “...used oil from one oil change can contaminate one million gallons of fresh water — a years’ supply for 50 people!”

Problems mainly arise when used oil isn't properly disposed. Such oil can pollute rivers, harm plants, affect wildlife and seep through the ground, potentially contaminating drinking water. That is why processes that remove excess oil from wastewater, like oil skimming, are so important for running an ecologically friendly business.

The Environmental Consequences of Not Removing Oil

oil in waterJust like large oil spills, smaller contamination sources also have serious detrimental effects on the environment. Wildlife can be affected both externally—when oil causes chemical burns to the animal’s fur or feathers, and internally—when animals ingest or inhale the toxic material.

Plant life can suffer from soil contamination. Oil pollution of the soil causes a significant reduction in plant growth and negatively affects germination. Crops from affected areas can develop high concentrations of toxins, making them unsuitable for human consumption. What’s more, once refuse oil taints the ground, it gets much harder to clean up.

Oil contaminated water can also cause air pollution. When untreated wastewater evaporates, it can introduce small and toxic particles into the atmosphere. These chemicals can later be inhaled, causing adverse health effects in both animals and humans.

If untreated and wastewater finds its way into the waterway, the waste oil can stain the riverbank and other objects in the water, like boat hulls. Left unchecked, oil-contaminated wastewater can seep into groundwater and taint drinking sources, which leads to damaged intake and filtration systems that supply water to cities.

The Business Consequences of Not Removing Waste Oil

Besides the adverse environmental effects, improper oil disposal can also impact your business more directly.

Not adhering to environmental regulations can result in hefty fines. The EPA monitors water quality and investigates contamination sources, prosecuting responsible parties. If found negligent, your business could face fees or even lose its operating permit.

Respecting greener standards early helps you avoid legal issues and reduces the need for ecologically compliant modifications to your production line.

On top of all that, being a part of an investigation brings another unwanted consequence–loss of brand reputability. That can result in long-term revenue loss affecting your business for years to come.

Implement Oil Skimming to Avoid Environmental Concerns

Ensure your company takes steps toward lowering its ecological impact by reducing the amount of waste oil released into the environment. By following ecological guidelines, you can avoid legal disputes and maintain your brand image, all while better protecting plants, wildlife and water sources.

On this front, oil skimmers can act as a preliminary line of defense for any operation that discharges waste and process water. Help protect the environment and your business by contacting us today.

Topics: EPA, remove oil, oil skimming, environmental

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