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Oil Removal Solutions Blog

Customer Questions – Polyvinyl Resins Plant

Posted by Ken Gray on Nov 21, 2012 2:22:00 PM


PelletsA customer contacted us regarding waste oil removal at a polyvinyl chloride resins plant. 

 Q: “We use oil in the polymerization process at our polyvinyl chloride resins plant. The oil ends up in the plant’s wastewater, which causes the wastewater to exceed state limits. Exceeding state limits could mean a large per-day fine. How can we remove the oil from our wastewater without needing to change our current wastewater collection and discharge system? Also, is it possible to sell the recovered oil?” 

  A: Oil Skimmers, Inc. was able to solve their problem with a Model 6V Oil Skimmer – it met safety, cost, and efficiency goals. Oil Skimmers, Inc. created a mount that holds the skimmer at the edge of the company’s existing sump, with the collector tube travelling through two small holes cut into the grates that cover the sump. Recovered oil collects into a storage drum, allowing the company to re-use the oil or sell it. 

The oil skimmer operates unattended and is set on a timer to run only during the plants days of operation – five days per week. If needed, the skimmer could run around the clock all seven days of the week. Read a more Polyvinyl Case Study about this application.


Image by Windell Oskay

Topics: polyvinyl chloride resins, skimmer mount, sump, model 6v, collector tube, oil recovery

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